Retirement Income Calculator

Use this calculator to determine how much monthly income your retirement savings may provide you in your retirement. Your annual savings, expected rate of return and your current age all have an impact on your retirement's monthly income. View the full report to see a year by year break down of your retirement savings.

Retirement Income Results

Your retirement savings provides NPV_MONTHLY_WITHDRAW_AF per month after taxes and inflation.

According to your inputs, at age AGE_OF_RETIREMENT your savings will provide MONTHLY_WITHDRAW_BF per month for YEARS_OF_RETIREMENT years. This is before taxes. After taxes you will have MONTHLY_WITHDRAW_AF per month. In today's dollars, this is equivalent to NPV_MONTHLY_WITHDRAW_AF with INFLATION_RATE annual inflation.

Savings can provide
Income of before taxesMONTHLY_WITHDRAW_BF per month
Income of after taxesMONTHLY_WITHDRAW_AF per month
Value of income today ( with INFLATION_RATE annual inflation)NPV_MONTHLY_WITHDRAW_AF

Retirement Income Results
Starting balanceSTARTING_BALANCE
Annual contributionANNUAL_CONTRIBUTION
Current ageCURRENT_AGE
Age of retirementAGE_OF_RETIREMENT
Years of retirementYEARS_OF_RETIREMENT
Pre-retirement rate of returnRATE_OF_RETURN
Post-retirement rate of returnRETIREMENT_ROR
Current tax rateCURRENT_TAX_RATE
Expected rate of inflationINFLATION_RATE
Retirement tax rateRETIREMENT_TAX_RATE
Is this savings tax deferred?TAX_DEFERRED
Increase annual deposit with inflation?INCREASE_ANNUAL_CONTRIBUTION
Total contributionsTOTAL_CONTRIBUTIONS
Savings total before taxesSAVINGS_TOTAL_BF_TAX
Savings total after taxesSAVINGS_TOTAL_AF_TAX
Value of savings todayNPV_TOTAL_AFT

Income Taxes

We estimate that you will owe RETIREMENT_TAX_RATE income tax on MONTHLY_TAXABLE_AMOUNT of your monthly retirement income. TAX_MESSAGE

Balances by year


Information and interactive calculators are made available to you as self-help tools for your independent use. We can not and do not guarantee their accuracy or their applicability to your circumstances. We encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding all personal finance issues.